logo + graphic design //

III 2010 - Sejm Logo Design. Info: www.sejm.gov.pl

II 2010 - L7 Salon Logo Design. Info: www.hatchwise.com

I 2010 - HeadSpam Logo Design. Info: www.hatchwise.com

IV 2005 - UN Logo Design. Theme: [ The International Year of Deserts and Desertification ]. Info: www.iydd.org

IV 2005 - HP Printed Design.

I 2005 - Poster Design. Theme: [ Alarm for Biodiversity ]. Organizer: The Jagiellonian University and the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.

III 2005 - Poster Design. Theme: [ Rozni ale Rowni ] (Different but Equal). Info: www.rownystatus.gov.pl

XI 2004 - Polish Alphabet Poster Design. Organizer: Polsko-Niemiecka Wspolpraca Mlodziezy.

X 2004 - Destination Point. Public Transport in 2020. Logo Design Competition. Info: www.uitp.com. PROJECT SHORTLISTED.

XII 2002 - Design for All Poster Competition. Organizer: SARP. Group entry. WORK PUBLISHED IN THE 2004 SARP CALENDAR
(c) jakub skalik