September 2010
Commenced cooperation with RDZ-Architekten in Kołobrzeg, Poland as an Architectural Assistant.

July 2010
Employed as Part II Architectural Assitant with van Heyningen and Haward Architects, London. Further career made impossible due to the aftermath of political change in the UK government. Thank you for cutting funds on public investments.

June 2010
I'm leaving America due to the economy. Are architects really so reduntant these days ?

February 2010
This website is up and running, self taught and completed all by myself. I love working on it :)

January 2010
After 3 months of a very fruitful cooperation with Novak Design Group in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, my contract expired. It was the best work experience I've had so far. I also had the great pleasure of teaming with my wife, Amanda Skalik . Visit her website to learn more about this wonderful person :)

(c) jakub skalik